Well Child Visits
Participation in Daycare, Preschool, School (grades k,3,6,10 and sports teams), and Camps require annual physical examinations and appropriate documentation on their respective forms which can be accessed in Forms.
Prior to each well child visit, please remember to complete the developmental screening ASQ forms which can be accessed in Forms.
The best care
Keeping your children healthy is our primary goal. Parents know who they should go to when their child is sick, but pediatrician visits are just as important for healthy children. The AAP recommends well child visits as a way for pediatricians and parents to provide the
best care in serving the needs of children.
By complying with well child visits, parents can ensure that their children are growing healthily and developing age-appropriately. Through immunization, parents can protect their children from vaccine-preventable disease. In addition to growth and development, other topics discussed during well child visits include nutrition, physical activity, sleep, safety in the home and at school, and emotional health,
Well child visits occur at the following ages :
3-5 days
1 month
2 months
4 months
6 months
9 months
Depending on the age of the child, the following screening assessments will also be performed:
Anemia and Lead
Developmental (MCHAT & ASQ)
Vision and Hearing
Depression and Anxiety
Psychosocial and Behavioral
The AAP Ages and Stages link below provides relevant information on age -related topics of interest.
12 months
16 months
20 months
24 months
3 years
then annually
to 21 years
Call today to schedule your child's well visit!